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Our Goals

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MMFI has 2 goals:



  • once up and running, use the new network as a backbone to expand fiber to every home, business, and local non-profit in town



Goal 1: Replace the town's current Institutional Network (I-NET)


Milton's I-NET is used by our schools, first responders, and other town departments.  It is a vital component of our town's communications infrastructure. 


But it's old technology, insufficient to meet 21st century data and communication demands of our community.


And it's owned and controlled by Comcast.


MMFI advocates for the creation of a new, state-of-the-art, fiber-optic I-NET, owned and controlled by the town of Milton, as described in the cost and design report commissioned by the town.


For context around this report, see the Municipal Broadband committee's timeline.




Goal 2: ​Create a town-wide fiber-optic network for all Milton residents, businesses, and local non-profits


Once Goal 1 is achieved, the new I-NET can act as a foundation that we can expand into a town-wide, fiber-to-the-premise network, enabling all Milton residents and businesses to subscribe and enjoy the benefits of gigabit speeds at a reasonable cost.


Here's a short video explaining fiber-to-the-home (from the UK but still applicable to Milton).





​​​Are these goals realistic?


Yes!  Many towns not so different from Milton, both nationally and in Massachusetts, have or are building municipal fiber-to-the-home networks.  Check out more detail here.



The non-profit Community Broadband Networks Initiative of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance maintains a terrific website chronicling municipal broadband systems in the United States.  






Municipal broadband across the country takes many different forms.  Of all the towns and cities who take this path they’re all slightly different.  Because there’s no one-size-fits all solution we have the opportunity to shape our broadband network to serve the needs of all Milton stakeholders: residents, town government, businesses and non-profits.

The town of Milton has made great strides in the recent past in its pursuit of municipal broadband...

...sign the petition to make the dream of low cost, high-performing broadband a reality!

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